

require 'rubygems'

First, require ‘gli’ so we have access to the DSL

require 'gli'

Next, require our app’s library for business logic

require 'todo'
require 'yaml'
require 'date'

GLI::App brings in the DSL methods you’ll need.

include GLI::App

We now describe our program; this will be show to users in the help output

program_desc 'Manage a task list that can be easily decomposed into smaller tasks'

We can specify our app’s version here. Claret::VERSION is defined in lib/todo/version.rb, which is brought in by require ‘todo’ above.

version Claret::VERSION

Note that if you are upgrading from GLI 2.5 or earlier, you must include this in your app to get the latest subcommand features.

For GLI apps scaffolded from 2.6 or greater, this should be inserted for you

subcommand_option_handling :normal

Parse arguments (not options) in a strict fasion. This allows us to specify certain arguments as required, as well as some limited cardinality. GLI apps produced via scaffolding will have this set, but it’s not the default.

arguments :strict

We specify our own custom type conversion, from a string to a Date. We’ll see this in use a bit later. This works exactly like it does with OptionParser

accept(Date) do |string|

Global Options

A flag to override where the task list lives. We start off, as in Rake, by providing a description of the flag first. We follow that by naming the argument with arg_name. This will show up in the help output as a reminder to the user of what the argument is. We then name the default value for this argument via default_value. This, too, will show up in the help and be available in global_options when the command executes. Finally, we declare the flag and name it, giving it two different names, a short-form (-t) and a long-form (—tasklist)

desc 'Specify the file where the tasklist lives'

Previous versions of GLI accepted arg_name, which simply documented the arguments. That still works, but it’s preferable to use arg, as you can specify that args to your commands are required (or not). Here, we specify that path is optional. If we’d omitted that, GLI would require it on the command-line when the app is invoked.

arg 'path', :optional
default_value File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.todo.yml')
flag [:t,:tasklist]

Now, create a switch for “verbose” mode. As before, we first document it using desc, followed by naming the switch with switch. This will create two options the user can use:

  • todo —verbose # => global_options[:verbose] is true
  • todo —no-verbose # => global_options[:verbose] is false
desc 'Be verbose'
switch 'verbose'


Define a new command, “add”. As with other things in GLI, we first document it using desc. We then use long_desc to provide a more detailed explanation. desc is used in the output of todo help while the long_desc is includeed in the output to todo help add. Since add takes arguments, we use arg_name to give it a name. This won’t require the argument; it’s merely for documentation. Finally, we name the command using command and give it a block, which will allow us to define command-specific options as well add code for the command.

desc 'Add a new task to do'
long_desc %{
  Add a new task to the list.  The task name can be specified with or without quotes
arg 'task name'
command :add do |c|

Inside here, we can add switches and flags. Let’s add a switch that sets the new task’s priority. We do this the same was as we added the —verbose switch.

  c.desc 'Make the new task the highest priority task'
  c.switch [:p,:priority]

Let’s add a “due date” flag. For this one, use the alternative form that takes an options hash. We also want to coerce this into a Date, so we pass Date as the value for the :type option. This also shows using a dynamic value for the default value.

  c.flag 'due-date', :default_value =>, 
                     :arg_name => 'date',
                     :type => Date, 
                     :desc => 'The date on which this task must be completed, in YYYY/MM/DD format'

Now, we write the code for what happens when command is executed by the user. action takes a block containing this code. It’s given three arguments: the global options as a Hash, the command-specific options as a Hash, and any unparsed options from the command-line.

Notice how our action block is very simple. Think of this as a controller in your Rails app; don’t put too much stuff in here. We’ll see where $task_list comes from in a bit.

  c.action do |global_options,options,args|
    $task_list <<' '))


Let’s create a command that takes sub commands. In our case, we want list to take a subcommand as to what to list, e.g. todo list all or todo list wip.

desc 'List tasks'
long_desc %{
  List the tasks in your task list, possibly including completed tasks.  By default, this will list
  all uncompleted tasks.
command [:list,:ls] do |c|

Inside the command block, we can declare subcommands by just calling command again. This works the same way it does normally and the command block is where you can define subcommand-specific options.

  c.desc 'List all tasks, including completed ones'
  c.command :all do |all|
    all.action do$task_list)

  c.desc 'List only tasks in-progress'
  c.command :wip do |wip|
    wip.action do$task_list)

  c.desc 'List tasks that are not completed'
  c.command [:tasks] do |tasks|
    tasks.action do |global_options,options,args|$task_list)

While we could declare an action block for the top-level command, we instead defer it to the ‘tasks’ subcommand. This means if the user does todo list, it will be the same as todo list tasks.

  c.default_command :tasks

We do the same thing for some more commands

desc 'Complete, start, or split up tasks in your task list'
arg 'task_id'
command :task do |task_command|
  task_command.instance_eval do 

    desc 'Complete a task'
    command :done do |c|
      c.action do |global_options,options,args|

    desc 'Start a task'
    arg 'task_id'
    command :start do |c|
      c.action do |global_options,options,args|

    desc 'Split a task into two or more subtasks'
    long_desc %{
Decomposes a task into more tasks, to make it easier to show progress.  The task names can be specified
in two ways:  a comma delimited list, unquotes, or a series of quoted arguments.  The task you split
will be removed and replaced with the new tasks
    arg 'task, task[, task]*'
    command :split do |c|
      c.action do |global_options,options,args|


Here, we can do any setup we need before each command is run. We have access to the options and arguments, as well as the command, if we need it. We set up our task list here; since this is called before our command action block runs, it’ll be ready and waiting.

pre do |global,command,options,args|
  $task_list_serializer =[:t])
  $task_list = $

To run code after the command successfully completes, we can use the post hook. In our case, we write out the possibly-updated tasklist.

post do


This kickstarts our application. run returns the exit status requested by the app, so we exit with whatever is returned.

exit run(ARGV)